Category: IFTTT
It’s me and my radio co-host spilling the behind-the-scenes beans!
It’s me and my radio co-host spilling the behind-the-scenes beans! It's me and my radio co-host spilling the behind-the-scenes beans! — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) November 17, 2017
An tenrec, which looks like a hedgehog but isn’t. A good case of convergent evolution.
An tenrec, which looks like a hedgehog but isn’t. A good case of convergent evolution. An tenrec, which looks like a hedgehog but isn't. A good case of convergent evolution. — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) October 28, 2017
Iona Opie, one of my favorite examples of a quiet scholar doing great work, has died.
Iona Opie, one of my favorite examples of a quiet scholar doing great work, has died. Iona Opie, one of my favorite examples of a quiet scholar doing great work, has died. — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) October 26, 2017
Just one time travel vortex plz to visit this 1890 peever and explain how it turned out
Just one time travel vortex plz to visit this 1890 peever and explain how it turned out Just one time travel vortex plz to visit this 1890 peever and explain how it turned out — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) October 24, 2017
Tech support says they’ll call back in 30 minutes but it’s been an hour and you’ve been in their shoes but you’re still like ಠ_ಠ and ⊙_ʘ.
Tech support says they’ll call back in 30 minutes but it’s been an hour and you’ve been in their shoes but you’re still like ಠ_ಠ and ⊙_ʘ. Tech support says they'll call back in 30 minutes but it's been an hour and you've been in their shoes but you're still like ಠ_ಠ and ⊙_ʘ. —…
That feeling when, one by one, you receive password reset messages for social media accounts for many of your email addresses. 🐟
That feeling when, one by one, you receive password reset messages for social media accounts for many of your email addresses. 🐟 That feeling when, one by one, you receive password reset messages for social media accounts for many of your email addresses. 🐟 — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) August 17, 2017
You’ve escaped people listening to voicemail on speakerphone by working at home. Then a car parks in front of your home-office window.
You’ve escaped people listening to voicemail on speakerphone by working at home. Then a car parks in front of your home-office window. You've escaped people listening to voicemail on speakerphone by working at home. Then a car parks in front of your home-office window. — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) August 9, 2017
It’s such a crucial question and @guyraz on @HowIBuiltThis seems to ask it in every interview: How much of your success was just good luck?
It’s such a crucial question and @guyraz on @HowIBuiltThis seems to ask it in every interview: How much of your success was just good luck? It's such a crucial question and @guyraz on @HowIBuiltThis seems to ask it in every interview: How much of your success was just good luck? — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) July…
Due to many misdials meant for a credit union to my 619 number, I’m switching back to my 646 number for good. Message me if you need it.
Due to many misdials meant for a credit union to my 619 number, I’m switching back to my 646 number for good. Message me if you need it. Due to many misdials meant for a credit union to my 619 number, I'm switching back to my 646 number for good. Message me if you need…
Here’s an easy way to improve the world: help Omar, severely injured and now bedridden, reconnect to the world.
Here’s an easy way to improve the world: help Omar, severely injured and now bedridden, reconnect to the world. Here's an easy way to improve the world: help Omar, severely injured and now bedridden, reconnect to the world. — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) July 4, 2017