Category: IFTTT
It’s bad enough that Cox internet costs go up and up, but when they add fees for services you did not ask for, it just feels like fraud.
It’s bad enough that Cox internet costs go up and up, but when they add fees for services you did not ask for, it just feels like fraud. It's bad enough that Cox internet costs go up and up, but when they add fees for services you did not ask for, it just feels like…
We’re almost at 2500 responses for the nodding/shaking your head survey! Take it and share it. Let’s figure it out!
We’re almost at 2500 responses for the nodding/shaking your head survey! Take it and share it. Let’s figure it out! We're almost at 2500 responses for the nodding/shaking your head survey! Take it and share it. Let's figure it out! — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) March 30, 2017
Help us sort out changing meanings in “nodding” and “shaking” your head! Take the survey and share it:
Help us sort out changing meanings in “nodding” and “shaking” your head! Take the survey and share it: Help us sort out changing meanings in "nodding" and "shaking" your head! Take the survey and share it: — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) March 29, 2017
Save me from people who think trying to be funny is an acceptable replacement for trying to be helpful.
Save me from people who think trying to be funny is an acceptable replacement for trying to be helpful. Save me from people who think trying to be funny is an acceptable replacement for trying to be helpful. — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) March 13, 2017
*fixes 11-year-old typo with satisfaction*
*fixes 11-year-old typo with satisfaction* *fixes 11-year-old typo with satisfaction* — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) March 5, 2017
“I hope some other weird little boy is being encouraged inside. A child’s lunacy is a terrible thing to waste.”
“I hope some other weird little boy is being encouraged inside. A child’s lunacy is a terrible thing to waste.” "I hope some other weird little boy is being encouraged inside. A child’s lunacy is a terrible thing to waste." — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) February 24, 2017
These “keep your kids safe by knowing their slang” stories are such malarkey. What a steaming pile.
These “keep your kids safe by knowing their slang” stories are such malarkey. What a steaming pile. These "keep your kids safe by knowing their slang" stories are such malarkey. What a steaming pile. — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) February 7, 2017
Yeah, no, “feign suicide” isn’t what you meant, BBC.
Yeah, no, “feign suicide” isn’t what you meant, BBC. Yeah, no, "feign suicide" isn't what you meant, BBC. — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) January 27, 2017
Well, my third book has reached a new milestone: after 11,000 copies sold, it has finally shown up on the pirate ebook sites.
Well, my third book has reached a new milestone: after 11,000 copies sold, it has finally shown up on the pirate ebook sites. Well, my third book has reached a new milestone: after 11,000 copies sold, it has finally shown up on the pirate ebook sites. — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) January 23, 2017
Made biscuits for my marchers.
Made biscuits for my marchers. Made biscuits for my marchers. — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) January 21, 2017