Linguist, lexicographer, writer, editor, broadcaster

“Neglect, death and DCF: Florida’s child-welfare agency often was warned of hazards and failed to th

“In Broward County, the abuse hot line received a report on March 4, 2000, that Nicholas Bahamundi and his six siblings were unsupervised and living in filthy conditions. By law, workers must see at-risk children within 24 hours of receiving a maltreatment report. The caseworker said she could not find the home. The visit finally occurred two months later, on May 3, 2000. Nicholas had drowned in the family’s pool, which was green with slime. The house was a disaster, full of feces, rotting meat on the kitchen counter. Nicholas’ six siblings were removed and now live with their maternal grandmother in Hollywood. Lori Bahamundi, the children’s mother, said she and her husband are good parents and are doing everything they can to regain custody of their children.”