no YOU’RE singing a song you made up about baby goats becoming your friend
no YOU’RE singing a song you made up about baby goats becoming your friend no YOU'RE singing a song you made up about baby goats becoming your friend — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) March 7, 2018 http://twitter.com/GrantBarrett/status/971201051486453765
It’s not looking good for my wife. https://t.co/DCuJ12rRzk
It’s not looking good for my wife. https://t.co/DCuJ12rRzk It's not looking good for my wife. http://pic.twitter.com/DCuJ12rRzk — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) January 15, 2018 http://twitter.com/GrantBarrett/status/952735484006010880
One of my new year’s resolutions is to memorize 100 naughty limericks.
One of my new year’s resolutions is to memorize 100 naughty limericks. One of my new year's resolutions is to memorize 100 naughty limericks. — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) January 6, 2018 http://twitter.com/GrantBarrett/status/949780145681895426
My boy is taking his first solo flight today! I’m nervous but a bit mollified that @ToddGloria and @toniatkins are on the same flight.
My boy is taking his first solo flight today! I’m nervous but a bit mollified that @ToddGloria and @toniatkins are on the same flight. My boy is taking his first solo flight today! I'm nervous but a bit mollified that @ToddGloria and @toniatkins are on the same flight. — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) January 3, 2018…
I don’t have the time for it but somebody needs to take the Wikipedia entry for “homie” in hand and correct that ish. https://t.co/r6zlULhytN It’s very wrong. Bad sourcing and bad conclusions. It completely misses previous — accurate — work done on the term.
I don’t have the time for it but somebody needs to take the Wikipedia entry for “homie” in hand and correct that ish. https://t.co/r6zlULhytN It’s very wrong. Bad sourcing and bad conclusions. It completely misses previous — accurate — work done on the term. I don't have the time for it but somebody needs to…
Too much of the email we get at the radio show could be summed up as, “You weren’t mean enough to that caller who bared their language insecurities on national radio. Shouldn’t you have made them feel bad?”
Too much of the email we get at the radio show could be summed up as, “You weren’t mean enough to that caller who bared their language insecurities on national radio. Shouldn’t you have made them feel bad?” Too much of the email we get at the radio show could be summed up as, "You…
A friend is helping hundreds of Puerto Rican families who are still in dire straits. They need food, water, and basics sent by mail. It’s easy and effective. Hit me up by email and I will connect you with her. grantbarrett@gmail.com
A friend is helping hundreds of Puerto Rican families who are still in dire straits. They need food, water, and basics sent by mail. It’s easy and effective. Hit me up by email and I will connect you with her. grantbarrett@gmail.com A friend is helping hundreds of Puerto Rican families who are still in dire…
Look at the advanced reading copy that arrived just in time to be my holiday reading! Congratulations, @lynneguist! https://t.co/OGbwXTbSG8 https://t.co/TPiHIiKqX9
Look at the advanced reading copy that arrived just in time to be my holiday reading! Congratulations, @lynneguist! https://t.co/OGbwXTbSG8 https://t.co/TPiHIiKqX9 Look at the advanced reading copy that arrived just in time to be my holiday reading! Congratulations, @lynneguist! https://t.co/OGbwXTbSG8 http://pic.twitter.com/TPiHIiKqX9 — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) December 14, 2017 http://twitter.com/GrantBarrett/status/941398709409144833
Web-trapped fog. https://t.co/t6bWBSlq90 https://t.co/CW5UvT435i
Web-trapped fog. https://t.co/t6bWBSlq90 https://t.co/CW5UvT435i Web-trapped fog. https://t.co/t6bWBSlq90 http://pic.twitter.com/CW5UvT435i — Grant Barrett (@GrantBarrett) November 26, 2017 http://twitter.com/GrantBarrett/status/934797991671713792
A flash book sale! My book “Perfect English Grammar” is discounted as one of Amazon’s Today’s Deals for the next *six* hours. Get it for a holiday gift before the deal is over at 9:40 PM PST! https://t.co/ken59IQuBX
A flash book sale! My book “Perfect English Grammar” is discounted as one of Amazon’s Today’s Deals for the next *six* hours. Get it for a holiday gift before the deal is over at 9:40 PM PST! https://t.co/ken59IQuBX A flash book sale! My book "Perfect English Grammar" is discounted as one of Amazon's Today's Deals…