Linguist, lexicographer, writer, editor, broadcaster

Our big nine-month-old boy

Everyone’s favorite boy turns nine months old today! He’s now lived outside the womb just as long as he was in. Well, we technically passed that milestone a couple weeks ago since he was born a bit early, but who’s counting?

In these nine months, Guthrie has accomplished a ton, including tripling his weight and growing ten inches in height. That’s right, according to his pediatrician yesterday, the boy now weighs in at 24.5 pounds and is 31 inches tall. And of course, is perfect in all respects.

Guthrie has fully mastered crawling, pulling himself up to a stand, and cruising around on the furniture (doing his circuits, as Grant says). He’s an avid bye-bye waver and almost-meaningful-syllable babbler.

We’re all looking forward to the boy’s first Christmas. Guthrie is especially excited by the blinky lights that his papa has strung up for him in the living room. We’re sure he’ll also enjoy the crinkly wrapping paper on Christmas morning and maybe even appreciate his new toys and books from Santa.

The cutest, sweetest, smartest baby in the world and his proud mama and papa wish you all a Merry Christmas.