Linguist, lexicographer, writer, editor, broadcaster

Category: Guthrie

  • The Disappearance of Lemolade

    At four years and eight months, my son Guthrie is about 44 pounds and 44 inches of a limitless capacity for making us laugh. Dinner time is a comedy/variety hour. It may include jokes, laps around the table, a puppet show from underneath the tablecloth, made up songs about bodily functions, putting new words to…

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  • First Haircut

    Guthrie, at 19 months, got his first haircut today. He now knows Vito the Barber by name. He was very good, though a little nervous. His papa held him in his lap the whole time. You can see the little rat’s nest in the back that had to go. Like I said, he was very…

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  • Photos, at last, of the funnyman

    The boy loves to color. And he loves playdough. It doesn’t look so colorful now. It’s turned a bland, dark gray. He blows a kiss at a birthday brunch for Mama at the end of August. Alison, Mama, Anne, and Guthrie at the birthday brunch. Alison snarls. A one-socked naked man ran through our house!…

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  • Unexpected Picture Bonus!

    Well, the camera was full again, so here are a few more pictures. The boy in the park at Dumbo, which is right between the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges at the westernmost edge of Brooklyn. That’s the Brooklyn Bridge in the background. Smooches! Monkeys have wet kisses. Monkeys also like to kiss babies. The baby…

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  • Sixteen Months

    All modesty aside, look how cute our boy is. (Photos below.) He is very cute. Cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute. 🙂 Progress continues apace. He is a talking machine. He probably knows more than 100 words. He learns words after you say them two or three times, and then he remembers them for good,…

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  • 15 months

    The boy is 15 months old today! Lately Guthrie talks up a storm, with lots of multiword sentences like “more cheese please” or “more book please.” He also likes to wash his hands and say “wash! wash!” and he’s lately fond of “mine! mine! mine!” He also has begun eating with utensils, including a fork,…

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  • Fourteen months

    The boy is 14 months old today! We’ll post more photos later but wanted to leave you with these from an eco-fair at the park this weekend.

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  • Guthrie is 13 months old today.

    Guthrie is 13 months old today. He has dozens more words, including “cracker” and “baboon,” (acquired after a trip the zoo). We were there again today. He says “baboon!” “BABOON!” when he sees them. And when he sees meerkats. The meerkats don’t mind. The visit to the petting farm was also a big hit. The…

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  • Birthday and Easter

    The boy had only a little birthday party last Wednesday. We were all three very sick, so we asked our friends to stay away to spare them the misery, although Carol the babysitter wasn’t as lucky. All four of us are recovering, with coughs, runny noses, and general malaise still prevailing. On his birthday, Guthrie…

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  • Laughing boy goes 1.0!

    The boy is another intra-solar-system traveler who’s made a complete revolution around the sun: as of March 19, he’s one year old. Right now he’s got a bit of a cough and we’re hoping it doesn’t spoil the day. A couple of weeks ago we were at the house of our friends Al and Heather,…

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