Linguist, lexicographer, writer, editor, broadcaster

Books not found on Amazon

I finished adding all my books on my scrap list to my Amazon wish list. These are the books that I couldn’t find on Amazon (US):

Le pornithorynque est un salopare by Alain Créhange. (Mille et Une Nuits, 2004). Found on

A Persian Dictionary of Argot, Mehdi Samai (Tehran: Nashr-e Markaz Publishing, 2003).

Ard Al-Sawad (Land of Darkness), a novel in three volumes, by Abdel-Rahman Mounif. Recommended by Languagehat. I could not find it on Amazon because it has yet to be translated into English.

For the Last Time, Learn English, by David Kendall (Nexus, 2004)

Diccionario de Modismos, de Ramón Caballero. (Librería El Ateneo, Buenos Aires, 1942).

Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas. Panhispanic Dictionary of Doubts. (Real Academia, Santillana, España).

Ami Konglish Uloitanv, by J.B. Sequeira. Covers Konkani and English.

Compendio ilustrado de lengua y cultura yanomami, (Illustrated Compendium of the Yanomami Language and Culture), by Marie-Claude Matt.

Dictionary of Criminal Slang published by the intelligence division of the Israeli police.

Diksyoner Kreol Angle (Ledikasyon Pu Travay, Mauritius).

Township Talk: The People, the Language, the Culture, by Lebo Motshegoa. (South Africa).

Dictionary of Media and Journalism, edited by Chandrakant P. Singh (2004).

La aventura del español in America, Humerto López Morales. (Espasa-Calpe, Madrid, 1998).

Comprehensive Slang Dictionary (Milon ha-slang ha-makif), edited by Rubik Rosenthal. (Keter, Israel, 2005).

World Dictionary of Hebrew Slang, Dahn Ben-Amotz. (E. Lewin-Epstein, Jerusalem, 1972).

Tesoro léxico de las hablas riojanas, José María Pastor Blanco (Universidad de La Rioja. Servicio de Publicaciones, 2004).

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Grant Barrett