Linguist, lexicographer, writer, editor, broadcaster

Everyone has a crush on Erin McKean

The fellow at Undress Me Robot isn’t the only one with a crush on my friend an colleague Erin McKean (who is married, has a cute little boy, and will probably respond to your belles lettres d’amour with a polite and pert “Thanks!”). There is this person. And this one. And this one, too.

Portfolio has a nice little profile of her in its Job of the Week section.

Never mind. The error is now fixed. Where it says

Computer searches helped persuade her to add the words taikonautedamame (a Chinese astronaut); (Japanese soybeans boiled in their pods and served as an appetizer)…

it should say

Computer searches helped persuade her to add the words taikonaut (a Chinese astronaut); edamame (Japanese soybeans boiled in their pods and served as an appetizer)…

You’d think they’d be a little more careful when editing an article about a lexicographer.